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India Post

Community Across America

June 25, 1999


Amritvani Satsang captures Capitol Hill devotees


WASHINGTON DC: The week-long discourses by Dr. Vishwamitter, spiritual head of Shree Ram Sharnam, International Spiritual Centre brought an awakening among the devotees, both mainstream Americans and Indian Americans alike.

Dr. Vishwamitter paid his first ever visit to the US from May 21 to 26, 1999. The discourses were held Forest Oak Middle School, Gaithersburg, Maryland.

“He is very much at peace with himself. I am touched by his simplicity and non-doctrinaire approach. I have been with other religious leaders and none of them caught my attention half as much as he did,” said R. Joshi who attended his discourses.

Similar thoughts were expressed by Victor Famousa, who said, “Somesort of vibrations comes from him which offer mental peace to the disturbed mind.

“Amritvani provided me a new enlightenment. Maharaj Ji gave me a sense of being a true Hindu. He made me realize that I was praying because I wanted to and not because I had to.  His humility is beyond words. He never made anyone fell that he is superior and need to be respected. Meditating with him was an amazing experience,” observed young Manisha who attended the discourses.

Dr. Vishwamitter impressed the youth as it provided them an opportunity to clarify many of their doubts and apprehensions about religion.  He made them realize that Hinduism is like an ocean that accomodates everything.  People can worship whichever way they like.

Dr. Vishwamitter is a bachelor and achieved great professional success as a leading ocular microbiologist at the prestigious All India Medical Sciences, New Delhi. After 22 years of service at the Institute he took voluntary retirement. He renounced everything and went to Manali in the Himalayas, where he spent Six and Half years in search of God. He came into the contact with Premji, successor to Swami Satyanand. After the death of Premji, he moved to New Delhi at the request of the Shri Satyanand Ji Maharaj Dharmarth Trust accepted to be head of the Centre.

His scientific background enables him to convey spiritual truth with a scientific perspective. He doesn’t consider himself a Guru, but want to be seen a servant of all.


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