Shri Swami Satyanand Dharmarth Trust
Highlights selfless service to humanity & spiritual enhancement while performing routine duties.
The prayers rectify our aberrations through the ‘maha-mantra’ of ‘RAM-NAAM’
Today – From Amritvani
When the Holy ‘Ram-Naam’ pervades (fills) our heart and soul, the entire Being, including every pore and breath, pulsates with Sri Ram’s Grace as spontaneously as the hilly springs gush forth effortlessly. Thereafter, not in the slumberous state (dreams) does the devotee become oblivious (forgetful) of the auspicious ‘Ram-Ram’. Instead, ‘Ram-Ram Sri Ram-Ram-Ram’ becomes integral part of his consciousness and he experiences abiding remembrance of ‘Ram-Naam’.
When the Holy ‘Ram-Naam’ pervades (fills) our heart and soul, the entire Being, including every pore and breath, pulsates with Sri Ram’s Grace as spontaneously as the hilly springs gush forth effortlessly. Thereafter, not in the slumberous state (dreams) does the devotee become oblivious (forgetful) of the auspicious ‘Ram-Ram’. Instead, ‘Ram-Ram Sri Ram-Ram-Ram’ becomes integral part of his consciousness and he experiences abiding remembrance of ‘Ram-Naam’.
पर हूँ तेरा’-यह लिये टेर,चरण पड़े की रखियो मेर।
अपना आप विरद-विचार,दीजिए भगवन् ! नाम प्यार॥७९॥
I passionately beseech Thee, O Lord, Sri Ram! because ‘I am Thine’ only. Here do I lie prostrate before Thee! Pray, bethink Thine stature, magnificence, fame and, being unmindful of my vices and frailties, grant me Thine Forgiveness, Patronage, Affection, Blessings and unshakeable faith in my devotion for You!
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प्रवचन – श्री रामशरणम की महत्ता – (9 March 2009)
Pujya Shree Vishwa Mitter Ji Maharaj
प्रवचन – श्री रामशरणम की महत्ता – (9 March 2009)
Pujya Shree Vishwamitra Ji Maharaj
❝ मिलूँ तुझे अति वेग से , लाँघ सकल ब्रम्हांड |घुल जाऊँ तव प्रेम में , ज्यों पानी में खांड || ❞
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