वारे जाऊँ संतों कें, जो देवे शुभ नाम |
बाह पकड़ सुस्थिर करे, नाम बतावे धाम ||
For newly initiated seekers - on the occasion of Naam Deeksha
Congratulations, today you have received initiation from a great saint. With great good fortune, today the seed of the name Ram has been established within you. After today, if you continuously chant and meditate thus giving fertilizer and water to the seed of Ram Naam through out your life, then this mantra will fill your life with greatness. Will provide you amazing happiness and peace.
If you are busy then what is the use of this busyness if it does not allow you to chant the name of Ram for half an hour and all the lives after death get spoiled. Despite being very busy, you must do chanting, meditation and recitation of Amritvani.

According to Shree Maharaj Ji, the first six months for the new devotees is the period of “Guru’s Grace”. During this period, the descent of God’s grace, Shree Ram comes through the Guru – the spiritual guide. One should endeavour to enhance this grace through devotion and spiritual practice.
During this period whatever the devotee acquires or experiences in the form of grace adds to his spiritual progress. Hence it is very essential that the devotee must contain, restrict, protect and maintain himself during this period, not drifting away at all and to keep in touch with his Guru or spiritual guide.
How to Preserve the Grace
संभाल कर रखे – साधक धैर्य रखे, डावांडोल व भ्रमित न हों. अपनी अध्यात्मिक अनुभूतियों को गुरु के आलावा अन्यत्र चर्चा न करे |
A devotee should have faith and patience and also be resolute and consistent. He should not become unsteady or doubtful. He should not talk about his spiritual experience to anybody except his Guru.
How to Restrain Oneself
सिकोड़ कर रखे – वह प्रदर्शन न करे, अपनी साधना का जहाँ तहां बखान न करे व डींग न मारे |
The devotee should not exhibit or have tendency to show off. He should not talk or exaggerate his devotion, spiritual practice and experience with anyone here and there.
To keep in touch with his Guru
संपर्क बनाये रखे – अपने मार्गदर्शक से समय पर मिलता रहे | पत्र द्वारा भी संपर्क रख कर मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त किया जा सकता है |
He should be in touch with his spiritual guide from time to time. Spiritual guidance can be acquired through correspondence also. More effective than correspondence, however, is to contemplate and feel that you are forever being blessed, protected and guided. Such a communication with your Guru is more effective than any other method.
If the devotee is not careful and watchful about the above factors, he may be deprived of the expected spiritual progress or whatever he has acquired may become ineffective or come to naught.
It takes less time to eat your meal than to digest it. It takes no time to vomit it out. Similarly, it takes hardly any time to be initiated or take Deeksha. But, like the process of digestion, it takes quite sometime to be deep-rooted in your heart. By exhibiting and talking of the descended grace, the devotee in no time loses his acquired grace and spiritual power.
Sadhna Satsang
A new devotee – aspirant after being initiated should attend at least one Sadhna Satsang.
Venerable Swami Satyanandji had started the Sadhna Satsangs or retreats with the sole objective of imparting discipline and training to the devotees. These Sadhna Satsangs are a novel and unique gift of Swamiji to the devotees.
These Satsangs or retreats are organised for three to five nights where the aspirants, forgetting worldly cares and family attachments, practice spiritual practice, devotion or Sadhana. This removes all the obstacles in their spiritual progress. This is like a training school where they learn discipline, regularity and punctuality and also learn praying and chanting the Lord’s name. Their lives are shaped, as enshrined in Shree Bhagwad Geeta, as a person “who is regulated in diet and recreation, disciplined in the performance of work”.
A new devotee – aspirant after being initiated should attend at least one Sadhna Satsang.
These five night-long retreats are very important and useful. Continued stay in close contact with the spiritual guide for five days enables us to live meaningful and purposeful life for 360 days of the year by helping and guiding our day to day life.
It is here that we learn the values of cleanliness, regularity, punctuality, good conduct, service, self-control, restraint, humility and compassion. In other words we learn to become good human beings. Our daily routine should be as per the routine followed in Sadhna Satsangs. These retreats are organised in many parts of India (Prayer Centres). Our main Satsangs, about 6-7 in a year, are organized in Shree Ram Sharnam, Haridwar
Meditation is a very subtle and scientific process. Meditation results in producing right discrimination (Viveka), concentration of mind and purity of thought. Devotees gradually attain greater internal peace and bliss. Through meditation, the soul is united with the supreme soul. Meditation is the bridge which unites man with God.
Accordingly, the new devotee should sit for meditation daily at the fixed time in the morning and evening. In the beginning, you may sit for 15 minutes. Gradually, this time should be increased to 30 minutes. The method of meditation as explained at the time of initiation be followed. You should meditate in the same manner everyday. Sit for meditation facing “Shri Adhishthan”. Before starting, invoke the Supreme God by reciting “Namaskar Saptak”, then start meditation and after finishing, bow again to God.
Repetition of the Lord's Name - "Jaap"
According to Swamiji Maharaj, every devotee should repeat “Ram – Nam” at least 10 thousand times. A new devotee should fix the number according to his own convenience. But after some time, he should gradually increase the number to 10-12 thousand or more in a day. Lord’s name may be repeated even while walking, sitting or doing your work or daily chores. In other words : ‘With the Lord’s name on lips, you should remain busy working with your hands”.
Reading of Scriptures - "Path"
Devotees should read “Amritvani” everyday. Daily recitation of “Amritvani” removes all hurdles, difficulties and calamities besides showering the Sadhak with piety and prosperity. Daily reading of “Sthitpragya ke Lakshan” i.e Characteristics of a man with steady wisdom, and “Bhakt va Bhakti ke Lakshan” i.e. Characteristics of a Devotee and devotion are immensely useful.
Continuous and regular study of the scriptures is called “Swadhyaya”. Swadhyaya of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta and Shri Ramayan and other good books should be done sincerely. This makes you aware of your own spiritual progress besides increasing interest in devotional practice. Devote at least 10-15 minutes every day from your daily routine to study and reflect on scriptures.
The devotee should have complete faith and belief in Shri Ram and the spiritual guide – Guru and the path shown by him. Along with this, he should have the feeling of complete surrender. A devotee should be resolute in believing One God, One Guru, One Mantra, One Scripture, One Path, One method and One devotion.
The devotee should have complete faith and belief in Shri Ram and the spiritual guide – Guru and the path shown by him. Along with this, he should have the feeling of complete surrender. A devotee should be resolute in believing One God, One Guru, One Mantra, One Scripture, One Path, One method and One devotion.
Easy and Simple Path - "Sahaj Marg"
Swamiji Maharaj’s method of devotion through “Ram Nam” is very simple, easy, practical, comfortable, pleasant and fruitful. In this, one is not asked to leave one’s home, family or occupation, profession etc. You keep on doing your Sadhna while living as a householder and performing all other duties.
Grace of Ram - "Ram Kripa"
We are very fortunate that we have got this “difficult to attain” human birth. When good fortune shines on us only then the Grace of Ram descends and we get Satsang – meeting of a true saint is made possible. And out of His Kind benevolence for our spiritual well-being, he grants us Bhakti yog or devotion. We should consider all this as the result of God’s Grace.