Shree Ram Sharnam

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Pravachan Audio
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Bhajan Singers
Pravachan Audio


Sat Guru tu Ram Mila De

Shree Ram Sharnam New Delhi 2nd July, 2004: Oceanic crowd of Ram Bhakts flooded the premises of Shree Ram Sharnam today on the occasion of Guru Purnima. Within the silence, the physical space got filled to the brink, the rows of heads created the mesmerizing atmosphere. Swamiji Maharaj’s concept of self-discipline came to the fore. The musical pulses resounded airing ‘guru bandan’ enveloped the atmosphere acoustically especially the song ‘Charan Kamal Ka Astha’. The naad garland of melody and ‘ram dhun’ was followed by the utterance of Swami Dr. Vishwa Mitterji Maharaj. He said ‘KOTI KOTI Pranam’ to all the family members of Swamiji Maharaj and greeted devotees who are residing here in Indian or abroad.

Dr. Vishwa Mitterji continued that Vyas Purnima has a special meaning and reference in the life of devotee and said if Vyasji would have not been there then the Hindu Sanskriti would have passed into oblivion ness. He reminded it was Vyasji who authored 18 puranas including Bhagavata apart from Mahabharata and Gitaji. The whole Hindu textual tradition propelled out of his contemplations so this day is celebrated as reverence to Mahaguru Vyas. That is why Swamiji Maharajji while giving message to the people he used to say this day is dedicated to “Vyas Pujan”.

Dr. Vishwa Mitterji further elaborated the concept by saying that somebody asked Adi Acharya Vyasji whether he should be worshipped on Guru Purnima? He replied in negative and said this day was dedicated to the Guru of all the Gurus who is only worship-able i.e. almighty.

However, over the passage of time Guru or Vyas Purnima got restricted to the ‘Guru’ pujan at the individualistic level. But this day do not commemorate the vyakti pujan rather the ‘individual’ remains the mere medium. In earlier days for a traditional Indian wife the Husband was pati paremeshwar meaning that the husband was the medium to reach out to the God. Dr. Vishwa Mitterji further said ‘you have gathered here in large number not for me but for paramguru’, and this day is a ‘time’ when parampara is worshipped and ‘not the individual’.

To further this contemplation Dr. Vishwa Mitter Ji Maharajji cited a story line. Once a blind beggar approached some place for bhiksha. Somebody told him that this was an ashram and the Guru had left this world long ago. Thus from here he would not get any BHIKSHA!

The beggar though a visually handicapped person had his other faculties awakened. In a soliloquy he said ‘Sat Guru never dies and remains here and here only’. Then in the self talking mode he questioned ‘if I cannot get Bhiksha at the Sat Guru’s place then where else I would get mukti’. Then the beggar stretched his two hands towards the sky and shouted ‘Ek Tuhie ADDHAR Sat Guru’. ‘Ek Tuhie ADDHAR Sat Guru’… The beggar took a resolution ‘I will not return empty handed from here’. He settled here as days and years passed by and digested all the insults yet he remained grounded on the sacred land of Sat Guru. Finally one day his body got the divine glow and experienced the emancipation at the feet of ‘Sat Guru’s Sacred space.

Dr. Vishwa Mitterji Maharaj voiced ‘Usko sub kuch miljata hai jo aapne aap ko mita deta hai’. (He would get everything provided one knows how to completely surrender oneself). Maharajji further said that this day is to remember two things “Sambandh (relation with Guru) and Kartavya (duties towards Guru) and we all should remember Hum Sab Shishya Hain (We all are mere disciples).

Maharajji further said that this day is no day to offer flower because that is outwardly showering of respect with an element of falsehood. He stressed that ‘this is the day of samarpan or complete submission. Swamiji Maharaj had taught us to love all and not to indulge in any kind of hatred, jealousy or enmity’. Thus love remains the mode of sampoorna samarpan.

He concluded that this is the sacred space for PRABHU BHAKTI and a complete submission without any inhibition is the call of this day. “Dhann Hua Satguru paiyo, Satguru Mere Ram mileyo” rent the air as Maharajji walked through the rows and rhythmic claps resounded all around and after sometime in my inner self I heard ‘Naam Mila de’ Yes, any devout there is only one prayer on this Vyas Purnima ‘Hey Sat Guru tu Ram Naam Mila de’.

By Dr. Gautam Chatterjee

Vyas Purnima Message by Shree Dr. Vishwamitter Ji Maharaj


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