Sadhak Ki Abhivyakti
Sadhna Satsang Haridwar
(27th June 2004 to 2nd July 2004)
Observations of Shri Alok Sahdev, Superintending Engineer P&T Department, Bareily in regard to the First Sadhna Satsang attended by him at Haridwar w.e.f. 27th June to 2nd July 2004
It was indeed an experience out of the world. I cannot sill believe that I could achieve things in 5 days which I could not achieve in 48 years
- Sleeping without A/C was impossible.
- Would not get up without tea.
- Needed to eat something sweet in the morning, a habit which I had developed right from the day I was born. Even in early days my mother would keep some thing sweet near my bed so that I do not cry in the morning.
- Would never sleep without a sheet over me.
- Would need at least 3 pillows to have a comfortable sleep.
- Un necessarily hog whole day with so many cups of teas.
Things changed so much in those 5 days that I went away from myself and it only an utter disbelief that I could leave the habits I had tried for years together More so the affection for each and every one I saw in maharaj ji is unbelievable. He paid personnel attention to al of us right from the moment we arrived and till our departure. He made us believe so important to him. His simplicity of behavior made every one feel that he was with us all the time and was approachable by anyone who needed guidance. He sent us back like his children only requesting us to become good children of god.
I have had the experience of attending so many seminars on meditation but it only here that I understood the basics.
I not only understood but actually experienced it. When I tried on the last day before singing that farewell composition. I actually went in Dhayan and seeked blessings of Maa Sarawati and the results was obvious I do not remember having sung that well for a long time.
I am not a great writer but I have just tried to put down what I experienced during my stay.
As far as I am concerned I find myself a changed person nearer to god and with increased confidence. So far I have continued the routine taught to us at the Satsang and would strive hard to stick to it throughout my life.
I owe all to Sh. Maharaj ji