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Bhajan Singers
Pravachan Audio
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Bhajan Singers
Pravachan Audio

Pujya Shree Maharaj Ji Visited Sydney, and Fiji ( 7th May – 14th May 2003)
[ Report || Sadhko Ki Abhivyaktiyna ]

Sydney warms to a mesmerizing devotion


An idle mind is devil’s workshop… thus begins the satsang (coming together of people in religious discourse) to awaken the mind and to strive to know the atman (soul).

More than 400 people converged on the Our lady of Lourdes Perish Center, 7 Grantham St, Seven Hills in Sydney, Australia to participate in a mesmerizing devotional service led by Pujya Shree Swami Vishwamitter Ji, a profound and realized saint-soul from India, on May 8, 2003

Contagious singing filled the air as each participant echoed in one voice the Amritvani, led by a handful of Shree Ram devotees.

Non-stop singing continued for almost half an hour. And in that time the mood was set for rigorous devotional service where pin-drop silence was observed as Swami Ji began with his message.

“We are so caught up in the perils of daily survival that we look for answers in the material world. Having found material gain, does man ever feel content and satisfied with his achievements? No, we are always craving for more”.

 “Turn around and devote some of that energy towards God, the giver of all and you realize that material bliss is nectar in a sieve … happiness that is passing away, never remaining steady or constant and that service to God is with you all the way through – rain or shine,” he explained.

Speaking in simple, easy to understand language, Swami Ji told devotees that God is within oneself and one has to realize this.

 One way to achieve this realization is through constant calling out of God.

“Chant His name wherever you are. It may be difficult when you first begin with this idea but as you set yourself a habit, this will become second nature and without you realizing this. God will become an important first in your  every activity,” he said.

           Using an old legend to drive home his point, Swami Ji narrated this story:

A beautiful princess owned a rare and expensive diamond necklace. One day she went to the river for a bath. She took out the necklace and left it among her clothes on the bank of the river before taking a dive into the crystal blue water.

When she came out of the water, she realized her necklace was missing. She searched for it and could not find it. She raised the alarm. Her father, the king sent out his men to look for the necklace. They too failed and as a      result the king announced rewards of a $10,000 each for those who had information on the where about of the necklace and those who found it.

A woodcutter goes to the river for a drink and sees the necklace in the water. He runs out to relay this information to the kingdom. The king sends out the best team of divers to collect the necklace from the bottom of the river. They return unsuccessful. The woodcutter collects his prize and walks away.

The king is outraged and demands an explanation. In the meantime a Mahatma (saint) goes past a tree near the bank where the divers had been and casually alerts the king’s men that the necklace is on a branch in the tree.  What they see in the water is a mere reflection, he tells them.

  Based on this anecdote, Swami Ji said mankind chases after the mirror image of the real.

 “You are better off getting to the real in the first place and this reality is in you all. Realize this. God is not outside. He is in you.”

 Drawing on real life examples, Swami Ji said we go to the experts for specialist help such as doctors for medical problems.

 “Having the right connection plays a vital role. Apply the same concepts when seeking God. You need to know that all is possible with his blessing.

 “And to reach out to Him, you have to talk to Him. Like you talk to your friends and family, talk to God. It is that simple.

“Once you develop this habit, you will seek God in all that you do and will be able to realize eternal bliss.”

Swami Ji explained that God is constant – always there. Man can take you around the globe and back and when you return, you may be empty handed.

He said that as humans, we do not have the capability to do everything.

We may be masters in certain areas. We need to fully tap into this potential.

“Do whatever you do – be it teaching or cleaning the streets, with your best ability and involve God in all that you do. When there is service to God and service to duties (work and the various roles we play in family and society) there is a degree of fulfillment and a sense of achievement, for you have realized God.”


Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj JI’s chanting.

Asha Chand (Sydney)


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