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Visit Report of Pujya Shree Dr. Vishwa Mitter Ji Maharaj to Jhabua, Ujjain & Indore, (Madhya Pradesh, India)
From 05-02-2001 to 09-02-2001

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Newspaper Clippings about Satsang at Central Jail, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Shree Maharaj Ji boarded the train on 5th Feb. 2001 at 17.00 hrs for Jhabua. The Train reached Ratlam at 4.00 hrs and there were 35 Sadhak at Ratlam Station to see Shree Maharaj Ji. 20 Gents, 8 Ladies and 7 children were Present. The Train reached Jhabua at 5.20hrs. There were 15 Sadhak present at the station to receive Shree Maharaj Ji.

Shree Maharaj ji reached his destination at 5.40hrs and there were 60 Sadhak to receive Shree Maharaj Ji. They left the place after his Darshan. Later there were some visitors for His darshan but the sevaks refused them admission.

Shree Maharaj ji left for the inauguration of “SHREE RAM SHARNAM” at Khardubadi Village at 9:15hrs. This place is situated 12km from there, so they took 1/2 hr to reach and arrived at 9.45 hrs. The population of this village is about 1000 Sadhak. About 500 Sadhak including children were present for the inauguration. The capacity of the Satsang Hall at the Shree Ram Sharnam is 250 Sadhak. Shree Maharaj Ji started the function at 10.00 hrs. sharp. The function was concluded at 10.30 hrs with Prasad of Gur & Dhania. There was exemplary discipline during the function.

Khardubadi Village Satsangi’s have made a society and have sent it for Registration by the Local Authorities but the concerning officer has asked for a bribe. When they reported the matter to the higher authorities, he was suspended and replaed by a new officer who has no powers. So now they have to apply for the registration at Bhopal.

Two very interesting incidents need a mention:-

One Sadhak wanted Shree Maharaj ji to visit his house at it was enroute. He was insisting and even said that he would lie down in front of Shree Maharaj ji’s car and insist on Him to visit. Another Sadhak said that Shree Maharaj ji would surely visit him first if he took responsibility and made sure that Shree Maharaj ji visited atleast 99 other houses and the task of choosing those 99 was this gentleman’s. The person was so ashamed that he dropped the idea totally.

One Sadhak is a very high caste Rajput Thakur and in that area if a Harijan comes to clean the area he has to wear a cap. On one Diwali this sadhak greeted on Harijan and he was taken a back. The sadhak told the Harijan that he wanted to greet him by hugging him. The Harijan was so impressed that he and his wife took Naam Diksha from Shree Maharaj Ji. A few days later a harijan girl wanted to visit a Devi Temple. This sadhak not only took her in but let her see the whole shrine. From that day Sadhak of that community refer him as “Raja Sahib”.

In the evening of 6th Feb. Shree Maharaj Ji attended the Satsang in Jhabua from 7.00 to 8.15pm which is their normal time. There was Amritvani followed by Bhajan & Pravachan. 1300 Sadhak attended where as daily about 80-110 Sadhak attend. There were good audio & video arrangement.

On the 7th morning the local prabandhaks kept 1/2 hr for those Sadhak who wanted to meet Shree Maharaj Ji & there was a gathering of about 50 Sadhak. But after 1/2 hr they did not allow those who were there. After that Shree Maharaj ji gave Shree Adisthanji to some Sadhak in Jhabua.

There was the main Satsang in which 10,000 Sadhak were expected, but more than 18,000 Sadhak attended. They had made separate arrangement for the ladies & gents for Water & granths. They had also made an arranged for refreshments where they served Tea @ 1/- & Poha @ 1/- the material at the refreshment counter got over by 12.00 noon.
The transport arrangement were made by the Sadhak on sharing basis. Whatever mode of transport was used, the owner of the vehicle was paid for the fuel accordingly, by the Sadhak who had used it. Sadhak had traveled for 3 to 4 hours even to attend the satsang.

The Satsang started with Shree Maharaj Ji’s Dhun at 1.55 pm sharp. It got over by 3.15pm The “Naam Diksha’ program beganat 3.40pm first with the ladies & later the gents. Approximately 2000 ladies took Naam Diksha in the same pandal. About 3500 men and a few more ladies took Naam Diksha in the second batch at 5.10pm. When the prabandhaks realized that the time was 5.45pm they requested Shree Maharaj Ji to touch allthe Mala’s (Rosary) so that they could be distributed by the Sevaks & Shree Maharaj Ji could move for “Dhyan”. The total Sadhak to receive Diksha were 5520. The total sale of the Granth’s was Rs. 30786.00. This is without the Malas (Rosary). If the Malas (Rosary) had been sold the sale would have gone upto 40000.00.

After Dhyan Shree Maharaj Ji went for the evening Satsang. There was a gathering of about 1000 Sadhak.

At 3.55 am Shree Maharaj ji left for Ujjain. After the Satsang He gave Naam Diksha to 480 Sadhak. Sadhaks from Ratlam & neighourbing places attended. After that he left for Indore & reached Shree Ram Sharnam at 5.15pm.

Shree Maharaj ji left for Indore Central Jail at 8.45am. The Central Jail authorities gave him a “Guard of Honor”. Shree Maharaj ji gave Pravachan & gave Naam Diksha to 119 Sadhaks. He returned at 10.30am.
In the evening the Sadhna Satsang began at 4.30pm.

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Newspaper Clippings about Satsang at Central Jail, Indore, Madhya Pradesh



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