Shri Swami Satyanand Dharmarth Trust Guidelines
using Facebook and other social media
Respected Sadhak-jan,
S-Prem Jai Jai Ram ji!
Subject: Guidelines for Sadhaks from the Shree Swami Satyanand Dharmarth Trust, New Delhi, on using Facebook and other social media
The use of Facebook and other social media by Sadhaks in India and abroad has become widespread and the purpose of these Guidelines is to make them aware of certain norms which must be followed and to clarify the policy of the Shree Swami Satyanand Dharmarth Trust, New Delhi, with regard to these issues.
At the outset, the Trust would like to make it clear that it does not have any official Facebook page either for Shree Ram Sharnam International Spiritual Centre, New Delhi, or for any of its centres or groups of Sadhaks. Nor does the Trust have an official Facebook page devoted to our Gurujans.
However, it has come to the notice of the Trust that several groups have set up pages on the Facebook social portal in the name of Shree Ram Sharnam International Spiritual Centre, New Delhi. Many of these Facebook pages contain the pictures of our Gurujans. Some even have posts and comments which are often not compatible to the ideas and philosophy of Param Pujniya Swami Satyanand Ji Maharaj. The Trust would like to set the record straight by declaring that it has no connection with any of these Facebook sites.
Further, it has been noted that some Sadhaks in different places are placing content from the Granths of Param Pujniya Swami Satyanand Ji Maharaj. They have also posted, in some instances, modified pictures and videos of our most respectful Gurujans. It is particularly distressing to note that some Sadhaks have even posted a modified pictures of Shree Adhishtan Ji on a Facebook site. All this is inconsistent with the discipline of our Gurujans.
The Shree Swami Satyanand Dharmarth Trust, New Delhi, follows a strict Copyright Policy to protect the sanctity of the writings and teachings of Param Pujniya Swami Satyanand Ji Maharaj. The Trust has sole and exclusive copyright over these. The Copyright Policy of the Trust, which is available on the official site (, is reproduced at the end of this Circular.
It may be pointed out that none of the present groups which have created Facebook sites in the name of Shree Ram Sharnam, or for our Gurujans, has taken permission from the Trust to create and maintain these sites, or to operate these on behalf of Shree Ram Sharnam International Centre, New Delhi. Further, the individuals who have created and registered these groups stand to the charge of having violated the rules of the Copyright Policy. These individuals and groups are misusing the name of Shree Ram Sharnam, New Delhi, by their content and posting. They are also giving the misleading impression that these posts originate on behalf of Shree Ram Sharnam, New Delhi.
The link to the Official Facebook Group shall be available at the Trust’s website.( The Trust also gives permission for using the copyright-protected materials from the website which can now be shared on the Official Facebook page only.
In 1999 Param Pujniya Swami Vishwa Mitter Ji Maharaj permitted the Trust to launch the Official Website of Shree Ram Sharnam ( Since then this Website, with Shree Maharaj Ji’s Gracious and Benign Blessings, has been successfully and effectively used by innumerable Sadhaks. There are at present more than 28,000 Sadhaks who are registered in the Mailing List and receive notifications when new content is uploaded or modified. The Official Website has more than 500 videos of Pravachan of Pujniya Gurudev. There are over 150 Bhajans available on the Official Website. All Sadhaks in India and abroad are welcome to view and download this material for their individual spiritual or for their family, or for telecast at Shree Ram Sharnam centres only.
Param Pujniya Maharaj Ji never appreciated the idea of placing our holy Granths on the Website. He said: “Hold the Holy Granths in your hand and read them with Bhaav, do Simran of what you read and then Implement in Your Life”.
To address some of the issues raised by the widespread use of Facebook and other social media, the Shree Swami Satyanand Dharmarth Trust, New Delhi, has resolved to launch an Official Facebook site of Shree Ram Sharnam International Spiritual Center, New Delhi. This Official Facebook site shall be linked to the Trust’s Official Website (
All Sadhaks, particularly those who are responsible for creating the existing unauthorized Facebook pages, are requested to contact the Official Website Administrator to be able to merge all your members in the Official Facebook Site of Shree Ram Sharnam (
Further, it is most respectfully also requested to close all the existing Facebook pages which may contain materials or pictures pertaining to Shree Ram Sharnam , New Delhi.
The first and foremost purpose of the Official Facebook site shall be :
“Vriddhi Aastik Bhaav Ki, Shubh Mangal Sanchaar.
Abhyuday Sad Dharam Ka, Ram Naam Vistaar.”
The other objectives shall be the Prachaar of the Teachings of our Beloved and Respectful Gurujans as well as the timely communication of Satsang news, messages and updates from the Swami Satyanand Dharmarth Trust, New Delhi. All Sadhaks are requested to respond to this humble request in the right spirit.
All Glories to Param Pujniya Shree Swami Satyanand Ji Maharaj!
Loving Jai Jai Ram!
Swami Satyanand Dharmarth Trust
Shree Ram Sharnam, International Spiritual Centre
8A, Ring Road Lajpat Nagar – IV
New Delhi-110024.
Use of Materials
You may download material displayed on the Site for noncommercial, personal use only, provided you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials. You may not, however, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, report, or use the contents of the Site for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio, and video without our written permission. The audio tracks have been encoded as MP3 files and are made available here as free downloads. They are for personal use only.
However such material should not be uploaded / published on any blogs, personal websites, social networking sites, etc. Shree Ram Sharnam International Spiritual Centre disclaims any association with any material posted on any such website, blogs and social networking sites.
Similarly, texts, audio and visual material made available on this website are copyright of Shri Swami Satyanand Dharmarth Trust, New Delhi. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution in any form, material and electronic, is prohibited.