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Bhajan Singers
Pravachan Audio

Pujya Shree Dr. Vishwa Mitter Ji Maharaj Visited  UK

12th May 2009


REQUEST: Sadhak who have been initiated (Naam Deeksha) on 12th May 2009 at Amritvani Satsang in UK, are requested to please provide their Contact details to
Mrs. Veena Grover: (Mobile) 07816468653, (Res.) 02089027292 

Report on

The prayers of all the sadhaks from U.K. were answered by Param Pujyaniya Maharajji’s long awaited arrival on Tuesday the 12th of May in London. As soon as we came out of the airport Param Pujyaniya Maharajji was received by his beloved sadhaks with tears raining from their eyes.

A massive limousine awaited to take Maharajshree to quickly freshen up and then proceed towards the satsang hall at Wembley. In the brief stopover of only a few hours Param Pujyaniya Maharajji conducted an Amritvani sankirtan and enlightened all his sadhaks with his pravachans which was followed by the gift of Naam Diksha.

The sadhikas welcomed Maharajshree into the Satsang hall in their melodious voice singing ‘Aha shubh din aaj aaya, ghar baithe hamne satguru darshan paaya.’

In spite of being a weekday more than 200 sadhaks from all over U.K. had assembled to receive Maharajshree’s blessings.

The satsang commenced with a beautiful bhajan followed by the Amritvani Sankirtan and in Param Pujyaniya Maharajji’s pravachans he made us realize how fortunate we all are to belong to Swami Satyanandji maharaj’s family. He said that the first step towards spirituality was to “BELIEVE” in the “PRESENCE” of the Almighty Lord by narrating a short story. He said that the fact that we were present there suggested our belief in the Lord. Param Pujyaniya Maharajji further suggested that we need not “RE-SEARCH” and tread the same path which Swamiji followed as we were fortunate enough to be already blessed by our Param Guru by the powerful RAM mantra in search of which he had spent his entire life.

Around 71 people were blessed with Naam Diksha while all the others waited outside to bid Maharajshree farewell with their grateful and tearful eyes.

By the end even the driver of the limousine, who was a Muslim, realized that he had been blessed to have met a true saint. Not only him but even the flight attendants of British Airways were completely in awe of Maharajshree and could not get over his charisma and the aura around him.

And this was only a little stream of our spiritual experience which was to be followed by the ocean of bliss in the U.S.

Ms. Poonam
‘A Sadhak from Delhi
 who attended the Satsang’   

REQUEST: Sadhak who have been initiated (Naam Deeksha) on 12th May 2009 at Amritvani Satsang in UK, are requested to please provide their Contact details to Mrs. Veena Grover: (Mobile) 07816468653, (Res.) 02089027292 


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