Shrimad Bhagvad Gita
If you want to taste the sweet essence of the teachings of Anand-Kand Bhagwan Shri Krishnachandra Ji Maharaj, then read the simple and interesting translation of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita done by Shri Swami Satyanand Ji Maharaj.Lord Shri himself has told Shrimukh that reciting Geeta and listening to it is a yagya of knowledge, I am worshiped by it. The reader should become a believer and a devoted host and perform this Yagya with great seriousness.The reader should become a believer and a devoted host and perform this Yagya with great seriousness and consider it as the supreme worship of the Supreme Lord. With this feeling, the knowledge of Geeta automatically starts getting published in the heart of the reader.